A couple of phone snaps from the s-ig-nificant London launch … enhanced by the rather odd red lighting of the venue … Top: Some of the Instagrammers who participated in the project Below: Commander-in-chief of our IG feed @natal13d, Natalie Davison with TPRoL founder @delamandab, Del Barrett.
The first zine in our Immulsion series.
Urban Flash resumes in 2018 with a slightly different format. Stay tuned …
Celebrate National Flash Fiction Day with us! Our photographers have been creating images on the theme of LOVE and MONEY – and in some cases, both. It’s now over to the authors to weave their magic and turn one of these images into a story …
Love and Money – the themes for our National Flash Fiction Day Assignment
Deadline extension so we can participate in National Flash Fiction Day… All prompts for Round One are now available.
Photography Meet-Up on 13th June.