Love and money … two ingredients of a good story. And these will be the themes for our National Flash Fiction Day assignment.
@ photographers. We’re looking for images about love and/or money and lateral thinking is welcome. Submit your images (maximum six per photographer) before the 20th June. You can either email them to info@tprol.co.uk or upload them to our Flickr group.
@authors. We’ll be posting our favourite images (and details of how to submit) on our website on the 23rd June as inspiration for your flash fiction.
And don’t forget our NFFD events …
No such thing as a bad writer – the workshop with Mimi Newman on June 14th and our Flash Fiction Workshop with Nick Sweeney on June 20th
24th June – NFFD celebration where authors and photographers will be meeting for chat and feedback. You can either book a place either via our Meet-Up group or by emailing info@tprol.co.uk, indicating in the email whether you’re a photographer or author. Participation is free.