Our second workshop, in the run-up to National Flash Fiction Day, is dedicated to the art of Flash Fiction.
June 20th 18:00 – 20:30 Flash Workshop
Led by author Nick Sweeney, our Flash Workshop will give some tips on this concise form of the short story, generate prompts to help you develop your ideas to completion, and show you that what is left out is almost as important as what remains on the page.
- The workshop will take place at TPRoL HQ in Chelsea.
- Places cost £25 and can be booked via Meet-Up. If you’re not on Meet-Up, email us for alternative ways to book.
- Any questions, email us at info@tprol.co.uk.
- Joining instructions and more detailed directions will be sent out one week before.
Nick Sweeney’s novel Laikonik Express was published by Unthank Books in 2011. He cut to the chase more quickly with his 100-word short Post-It Mortem, shortlisted for the Brighton Prize and currently out in its Rattle Tales anthology. You can see more of his work at http://www.nicksweeneywriting.com/