The last WOtW 7 is herstory, (In feminist use: history emphasizing the role of women or told from a woman’s point of view; also, a piece of historical writing by or about women’, OED online) chosen as a celebration of International Women’s Day.

It’s time to go back through some of our weekly themes and highlight our favourite images that we’ve short-listed for The Photo Republic of London IG Yearbook to be published soon. Congrats to @west10wanderer!

This week’s Word of the Week aka WOtW is fain which means to ‘welcome (a person)’ (The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary).

Celebrate world book day – buy a book, read a book, write a book, recommend a book. Just do something bookly today … And whatever it is share it with us on Twitter (@tpro_ldn, #WorldBookDay)

Our sixth word of the week is Muskings, which means: ‘Prob.: refuse swept up from a barn, etc., and used for feeding pigs’ (OED online). It’s rather an old word, so we want to see the modern day equivalent.