Urban Flash is an experimental initiative to bring together words and images informed by the urban environment and inspired by various prompts. The project will run until 30th April 2018 and will comprise of three open rounds lasting approximately three months each followed by a grand finale during Q1 of 2018.
Brief details are provided below. Further details can be found by following the links.
- Decide whether you want to create images, words or both.
- Sign up for the appropriate ticket in the TPRoL shop – photographer, author or both. Participation is free.
- Select a prompt from the website and produce a series of images (up to six), a piece of flash fiction or a poem. We’re starting with four prompts and will be adding more throughout March, April and May.
- Submit your entry
IMAGES: Resize images to 72dpi and upload them to our Urban Flash Flickr Group. Don’t forget to indicate which prompt you’re using. If you are submitting a series, please number them in the order you’d like them viewed. Retain high-res images for printing. We’d love to see your work-in-progress on Instagram and Twitter (hashtag #thisisurbanflash) and in our Facebook community, but to be considered for the Grand Finale, your final selections must be on Flickr.
TEXTS: Copy your text into the body of an email and send it to hello@tprol.co.uk. Makes sure you put ‘Urban Flash’ in the subject line and indicate which prompt you’re using.
CLOSING DATE for Round One is June 30th 2017. Please note that this has been extended to take account of National Flash Fiction Day on June 24th.
Each participant can submit one entry per prompt.
A shortlist of images and texts will be selected in July and these will be used as the prompts for Round Two. They will be available via an e-book on our website. Rounds Two and Three will start in August and November respectively and run for three months. The shortlist from Round Two will provide the prompts for Round Three. A number of photographers and authors will be selected from the short-list from each round to go through to the Grand Finale.
The shortlisted photographers and authors will be paired according to their interpretations of the prompts. For example, a photographer who creates grainy mono images could be paired with an author who has produced an historical piece of fiction. The finalists will have three months to produce a joint-portfolio of related words and images. Further details will be published nearer the time.
- A book City Visions will be published in 2018 and will include the joint-portfolios of the finalists, as well as a selection of images and words from each of the three rounds.
- All featured participants will receive a free copy of the book and a commission based on a percentage of the sales. The level of commission will be announced in due course, but before the launch of the Grand Finale.
- The overall winning pair will have the chance to create their own book, which will be published and distributed by The Photo Republic of London.
By submitting an entry to Urban Flash, you agree that The Photo Republic of London reserves the right to use any of the entries on its website, in its newsletter and in its social media for a period of one year to promote the project. Full accreditation will be given to the photographer/writer and copyright remains with the photographer/writer at all times.
Terms & Conditions and FAQ can be found here.