A couple of phone snaps from the s-ig-nificant London launch … enhanced by the rather odd red lighting of the venue … Top: Some of the Instagrammers who participated in the project Below: Commander-in-chief of our IG feed @natal13d, Natalie Davison with TPRoL founder @delamandab, Del Barrett.
The first zine in our Immulsion series.
Urban Flash resumes in 2018 with a slightly different format. Stay tuned …
Celebrate National Flash Fiction Day with us! Our photographers have been creating images on the theme of LOVE and MONEY – and in some cases, both. It’s now over to the authors to weave their magic and turn one of these images into a story …
Love and Money – the themes for our National Flash Fiction Day Assignment
We’re cleebrating National Flash Fiction Day on the 24th June with a meet-up at the Magic Gallery, where we’ll be bringing together the work of our authors and photographers in our first collaborative meeting.
One photographer’s journey across Europe to capture those last moments before we say farewell, adieu, auf wiedersehen, goodbye …