The last WOtW 7 is herstory, (In feminist use: history emphasizing the role of women or told from a woman’s point of view; also, a piece of historical writing by or about women’, OED online) chosen as a celebration of International Women’s Day.
The last WOtW 7 is herstory, (In feminist use: history emphasizing the role of women or told from a woman’s point of view; also, a piece of historical writing by or about women’, OED online) chosen as a celebration of International Women’s Day.
It’s time to go back through some of our weekly themes and highlight our favourite images that we’ve short-listed for The Photo Republic of London IG Yearbook to be published soon. Congrats to @west10wanderer!
This week’s Word of the Week aka WOtW is fain which means to ‘welcome (a person)’ (The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary).
Celebrate world book day – buy a book, read a book, write a book, recommend a book. Just do something bookly today … And whatever it is share it with us on Twitter (@tpro_ldn, #WorldBookDay)
Our sixth word of the week is Muskings, which means: ‘Prob.: refuse swept up from a barn, etc., and used for feeding pigs’ (OED online). It’s rather an old word, so we want to see the modern day equivalent.
Nest issue of Rosie – ghostsigns …
WOtW is dank, meaning ‘to drizzle’ (The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary).
We couldn’t wait until Sunday to share the first edition of the first issue of our first zine, so we we thought we’d unveil the cover tonight.
Brief overview of the Urban Flash concept. Full details announced at launch on 15th March.
Great excitment at TPRoL HQ as we get ready for our launch event on 15th March. Come and join us for the launch of our new collaborative venture where images and words are going to meet, mingle and merge to form a creative universe.