We couldn’t wait until Sunday to share the first edition of the first issue of our first zine, so we we thought we’d unveil the cover of our @tpro_ldn zine – called Rosie (short for Rosie Lee – Cockney rhyming slang for a cup of tea!) tonight.
These beauties are currently at the printers and feature images from 27 photographers who’ve been tagging along over the past year. All those who feature will get their free copy soon. If you’ve taken part, and don’t feature, don’t worry, this is only the first of many and we’ll be featuring more of our fabulous Tprolers over the year. So watch this space…
We’re also busy beavering away and pulling together all our favourite images for The Photo Republic of London IG Yearbook! We’ll have more news on that soon.
Cover image: @monkeymuesli
Rosie: time to reflect features images of London by the following photographers: be sure to check out their feeds!
- @graham_solidbond67 @amberrrjones
- @martkyran
- @stephie.b
- @eurokeith
- @nijd
- @cdrillera
- @vimazin
- @mariacordoba
- @meanderingmacaron
- @k_a_m_m_i
- @sparrowflu
- @mrwhisper
- @furby76
- @foxstarphotography
- @jhyattphoto
- @mental_gentle
- @ari55
- @annamaritarvainen
- @heathen25
- @monkeymuseli
- @kyun.pic
- @veevs
- @george_fikry
- @pedro_calado_
- @shehrazad287
- @stephen.jonathan.photography
And big thanks to @jetola for the design and to @wpnewington for the printing.