A row of Boris bikes, an old rusting frame, a bike race or someone whizzing past at top speed. This week’s theme is anything to do with bicycles and cycling. And this week, our special guest judge is @natal13d. So, get exploring and show us your best BICYCLE images to #tpro_ldn_BICYCLE and #tpro_ldn The abandoned challenge…
Congratulations to @graham_solidbond67, our winner of the abandoned challenge. His image goes into the pool for consideration for the IGY cover. Well done Graham! Hope you’ stay tuned to participate in the next challenge.
Congratulations to (L to R) @graham_solidbond67, @stephen.jonathan.photography and @sandrafontano, who are our finalists for the abandoned challenge. Voting closes Monday 11th April at 8.00pm. And big thanks to @mental-gentle for being the amazing duo guest judges. Follow us @tpro_ldn to vote and to participate in the next challenge.
We’re looking for anything abandoned this week – from buildings that have been left to deteriorate to objects abandoned on the street.And this week we have the honour of a special guest judge in the form of the amazing duo @mental_gentle . So, get exploring and show us your best ABANDONED images…
Congratulations to @george_fikry, whose fabulous window image goes into the pool for consideration for the IGY cover. Well done George!
Congratulations to @george_fikry, @ts446 and @pedro_calado, who are our finalists for the windows challenge. Voting closes Monday 4th April at 8.00pm. And big thanks to @themiguelleal for being our fabulous guest window judge. Follow us @tpro_ldn to vote and to participate in the next challenge.
This week we’re looking through the arched window, the round window, the square window and any other interesting windows that can be found around town. We also have the honour of another special guest judge @themiguelleal – who is a bit of a legend when it comes to taking awesome window shots!So,…
@sparrowflu aka Michael. Congratulations on the win and the chance to feature on the cover of the Instagram Yearbook. Hope you’ll pop back for the next challenge!
Congratulations to @leighonseaphoto, @sparrowflu and @valeria_mcintosh, who are the finalists for the Easter challenge. Voting closes Monday 28th march at 8.00pm. And big thanks to @cherylnewman1 for being our Easter guest judge. Follow us @tpro_ldn to vote and to participate in the next challenge.