We apologise for any inconvenience, but sometimes things are outwit our control…
We’re cleebrating National Flash Fiction Day on the 24th June with a meet-up at the Magic Gallery* (Charing Cross), where we’ll be bringing together the work of our authors and photographers in our first collaborative meeting.
Here’s the plan …
On the 4th June, we’ll be posting a theme here on our website. Photographers will have until the 20th June to create and submit images based on that theme.
We’ll then be choosing our favourites and posting them in a virtual gallery which we’ll be opening on Friday 23rd June. Authors will then have until 16:00 on June 24th to create a piece of flash fiction based on the image of their choice.
At 16:00 on the 24th June, we’ll be meeting at the Magic Gallery*, where we’ll be displaying the photographs and inviting authors to read their responses. Our experts will be on-hand to provide feedback for both the images and words.
To particpate at the celebration event, either book a place either via our Meet-Up group or by emailing info@tprol.co.uk, indicating in the email whether you’re a photographer or author. Participation is free.
And if you want to come along just to see some inspiring images and listen to some wonderful words, you’re more than welcome; email us at info@tprol.co.uk, putting spectator in the subject line. Free entry.
Don’t forget that we’re running two workshops in the run-up to NFFD:
No such thing as a bad writer – the workshop with Mimi Newman on June 14th and our Flash Fiction Workshop with Nick Sweeney on June 20th.
*Magic Gallery, Charing Cross Underground Arcade, The Strand, WC2N 4HZ, London. Go down the steps between Paperchase and Starbucks on the Strand (opposite Charing Cross Station) and the Magic Gallery is next door to Davenports Magic Shop.