Exciting times at the Photo Republic of London! We’ve been busy behind the scenes creating a heady line-up of new initiatives and publications for 2017 including, new faces on the blog team, two major project launches in the spring, and the opening of our online shop. Our shop will be stocking zines and books showcasing the work of some awesome photographers, starting with the first issue of Rosie & Ruby, our LondonZine. But first up is our new weekly competition – Word of the Week aka WOtW.
The WOtW challenge is the warm-up for our forthcoming Urban Flash competition where words and images will collide to create a new collaborative, creative universe. Each week, we’ll be finding a word and inviting participants to submit their interpretation of that word either photographically or textually.
To launch the competition, we’ve chosen a lovely word from the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, namley tamasha, which means ‘An entertainment, public function’ or ‘A fuss, commotion’. You now have one week to produce a creative tamasha.
We’re looking for images that reflect the meaning of tamasha – be as tangential and inventive as you like. Post your image to:
EITHER: The Urban Flash group on Flickr and use the tag WOTW1
OR: Instagram using the hashtag #tpro_ldn_wotw1.
Write a piece of fiction, non-fiction or poetry (maximum 250 words) that includes the word tamasha. Paste the story into the body of an email and send to wotw@tprol.co.uk. If you’re looking for a real challenge, submit a story using just 133 characters via Twitter using the hashtag #pr17w1.
Each week, we’ll be featuring our favourites on the TPRoL website and we’re holding a monthly prize draw. January’s winners will receive a signed copy of Geoff Nicholson’s The London Complaint: A Celebration of the Capital’s Maladies.
Copyright remains with the author/photographer at all times. By entering the WOtW competition, you agree that TPRoL reserves the right to use the content on its website.