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WOtW 7: Herstory

By 10th March 2017 No Comments

The last WOtW 7 is herstory, (In feminist use: history emphasizing the role of women or told from a woman’s point of view; also, a piece of historical writing by or about women’, OED online) chosen as a celebration of International Women’s Day.

Use your imagination and get creative with either images or words.  Post images to Instagram using the hashtag #tpro_ldn_wotw8 or to  The Urban Flash group on Flickr and use the tag WOTW8.

@Authors – write a piece of fiction, non-fiction or poetry (maximum 250 words) that includes the word of the week. Paste the story into the body of an email and send to wotw@tprol.co.uk.  If you’re looking for a real challenge, submit a story using fewer than 140 characters via Twitter using the hashtag #thisisurbanflash.

Word of the Week is a warm-up exercise to Urban Flash and since Urban Flash begins next week, this will be the last WOtW.