A bright sunny day in London makes our word of the week – dank – feel somewhat redundant. We often use it as a noun, but how many of us use it as a verb? It means ‘to drizzle’ (The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary). For those of us in the UK, there’ll be plenty of danking before the week is out …
Use your imagination and get creative with either images or words. Post images to Instagram using the hashtag #tpro_ldn_wotw5 or to The Urban Flash group on Flickr and use the tag WOTW5.
@Authors – write a piece of fiction, non-fiction or poetry (maximum 250 words) that includes the word of the week. Paste the story into the body of an email and send to wotw@tprol.co.uk. If you’re looking for a real challenge, submit a story using fewer than 140 characters via Twitter using the hashtag #thisisurbanflash.
More details here.