Wiener Blut is an ambitious collaboration to photograph every street in Vienna. As well as creating a work of art for an exhibition in 2018, we’ll be producing a visual social documentary of Vienna in 2017/18. and having a lot of fun along the way.
Our inspiration comes from Geoff Nicholson’s novel Bleeding London, which was highly acclaimed and short-listed for the Whitbread prize (the book appears in German as London, London). In the novel, the protagonist walks every street in London, crossing them off his map as he goes.
In partnership with Geoff, we’re borrowing the idea and transferring it to Vienna. Over the next year, we’ll be walking all the streets of Vienna and creating an image of something from each one. At the conclusion of the project, we’ll be producing a book and holding an exhibition in Vienna.
To propel the project along, we’ll be posting regular inspirational blogs, organising Meet-Ups and a number of interesting events.
Full details of how to participate will be revealed at the launch event on the 20th March and simultaneously published on the website. But in brief …
- Anyone can join.
- Participants will be given a small block of streets and will have a month to produce images from them.
- There are no limits as to the number of blocks covered by each participant and to ensure variety, we’ll be giving the same street to at least two photographers.
- You will be able to contribute images via Instagram and Flickr.
- There will be a small one-off joining fee to help cover the costs of the project (€5).